Thank you for showing up for our girls at the 2022 Women Who Dare Celebration!
We are beyond grateful to everyone who participated in so many ways to make this special evening a success: Our extraordinary Women Who Dare awardees, teen co-host Destiny Sandoval, featured speakers including our amazing girls & teens, sponsors, donors, raffle participants, in-kind supporters, and everyone who attended. Thank you so very much!
A special shout-out to our spectacular emcee, DawnMarie Kotsonis, and the amazing production teams at MVT Productions and Castaway Creative, especially Soon Lee at MVT and Shaun Daniels at Castaway. We simply could not have done this program without these exceptional professionals.
Please make sure to support the wonderful businesses who sponsored Women Who Dare. Their logos appear in the right margin of this page. Huge thanks also to the Silent Auction Donors.
And…Congratulations to the winners of the Grand Prize Raffle: Lynn & Robert Perata!